Category Archives: rescue operation

Rescued puppies

BAGIRA volunteers found 5 puppies in a plastic bag in the middle of a road on  February 28, 2016. They were a few days old.


4 boys and 1 girl.  Lisa, one of the volunteers, took 4 puppies (all of the boys) and the only girl was adopted right away.

The puppies were in great hands. Here are some pictures:

first day
2 months later

puppiess puppiesss puppiessss

All puppies  found their homes.

Puppies playing at their foster care


At home:
bublik malish puppiesssss shoki1

All that was possible thanks to the Volunteers at BAGIRA animal rescue and people who always support them.

Please be one of them by helping an animal in need!

Thank you!

Kitten on the side of the road

The founder of SV group was driving outside the city when she thought that she saw something in the grass on the side of the road.

Then she asked her husband who was driving to pull over and go back.

She was right and it was a little black and white kitten.  There were no houses nearby, only the roads. The kitten was left there to die.

After the initial check up we found out that the kitten has ringworm that is now being treated. The kitten is being kept separately from other animals due to ringworm.

c4 c5 c6 c7

The kitten is being treated for the infection.

Please donate to make help SV gout save animals.

Thank you.

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Sterlitamak Volunteers is an organization that exists and works directly off of the donations received from general public. All Volunteers and organizers of this group are working as unpaid volunteers and all proceeds go to cover the cost of medications, transportation, food and surgeries. 

Rescue Operation of 3 kittens

On July 23 Sterlitamak Volunteers were informed about a litter of 3 kittens and their cat mom living in the basement of a dentist clinic. The clinic has requested to seal all entrances into the basement and if the kittens and their mom were not rescued, they could be trapped inside the basement and die.

3 Volunteers went to rescue the cat family that day.  Upon arrival they witnessed 3 happy kittens playing in the sun right outside the basement.


The rescue operation has begun:

To catch them
For protection
2 out of 3 kittens



The kittens and their cat mom were not happy to be chased after and bothered. 3 hour later the Volunteers got 2 kittens out of 3. Their mother cat escaped from the basement.

2 rescues are ready for a bath

The kittens were infested with fleas. The water they were bathed in turned red. They received flea medicine and medicated bath.

Just a small part of fleas
Boys are very stressed and hissy

Their first night at the foster home was stressful. But they are getting all the medications, food and care they need.

The third kitten managed to escape.  The kitten was caught the next day and it was a whole new adventure.

The 3rd kitten with cat mom


The kitten was outside running in the sun next to a shallow pipe that led into the basement. The Volunteers tried to cover one end of the pipe to trap the kitten and get it ou. But it was easier said than done:


Running away from his rescuers


This rescue operation finally ended when they got the kitten inside the basement the next day.  It turned out to be a girl and she was not happy, like her brothers, to be bathed and treated for fleas and worms.

re9 re10 re11

These kittens are now being cared for at the homes of the Volunteers. After they are socialized and adapted to the human interaction all 3 kittens will be put up for adoption.

This rescue operation is one of many that SV group does every day.  Please help us by donating a small amount, that will go a long way in Russia. Only for the month of July the SV group took into their homes over 60 animals, provided food and medical attention. The group does not have a designated shelter space or the means to rent out a place for animals and all Volunteers take the sick, abandoned, abused and homeless animals into their homes. After the animals are healthy and ready for adoption the Volunteers organize adoption events.

We need your help.

SV group. 

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Sterlitamak Volunteers is an organization that exists and works directly off of the donations received from general public. All Volunteers and organizers of this group are working as unpaid volunteers and all proceeds go to cover the cost of medications, transportation, food and surgeries.