Update – 1 out of 5 puppies survived

For her young age (only 4 months old) Lapa has been through a lot. She was born homeless in a litter of 5 puppies, then the puppies were supposed to be fostered by someone but those people betrayed the puppies and let them starve and eventually the “foster parents” drove the puppies out to the woods to leave them there without shelter and food to die. (You can see the story in earlier posts).

When SV group learned about the puppies it was too late and sadly all but one died.

After numerous visits to the vet clinic and iv fluids and other medications, Lapa is doing well and has gained enough weight. She was spayed recently as well. The surgery went well and now Lapa is ready for her forever home.

She is still shy and skittish but with a lot of love her personality will come out soon.

SV group is looking for her forever home now and we cannot wait for her to have a family that will be able to give her enough attention and love that she deserves.


SV group is hoping that Lapa will get her happy tail soon.

Please consider a small donation towards Lapa’s needs. A small amount will go a long way.

Thank you!

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Sterlitamak Volunteers is an organization that exists and works directly off of the donations received from general public. All Volunteers and organizers of this group are working as unpaid volunteers and all proceeds go to cover the cost of medications, transportation, food and surgeries. 

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